Editor, The Spotlight:
On the occasion of National Emergency Medical Services Week, we thank the dozens of everyday heroes who provide emergency medical service in the Town of Bethlehem. It is our privilege to salute the emergency medical technicians, advanced EMTs, paramedics, ambulance drivers and firefighters of Delmar-Bethlehem EMS and the Albany County Sheriff’s Office EMS Unit.
The residents of our community benefit every day from the skill and commitment of our volunteer and career EMS professionals who are dedicated to saving lives and providing compassionate medical care. They are selfless professionals who dedicate their time, day and night, to respond to the emergency needs of our community.
Together, these caring men and women answer more than 3,000 calls for medical assistance in the Town of Bethlehem each year. In addition, they dedicate tens of thousands of hours annually to being on-call for medical emergencies and accidents, practicing their skills, taking training classes, mentoring new responders and maintaining equipment.
Our community is remarkably fortunate to have so many individuals that are committed to caring for their neighbors. Please join us in saluting our community’s EMS professionals.
Steven Kroll, Chief; David Scoons, Chairperson — Delmar-Bethlehem EMS
Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple