Editor, The Spotlight:
As a member of the legislature, Albany County Executive Dan McCoy fought to keep the nursing home open. Standing in front of residents and families at ACNH stating it would remain open and he would take care of them as Albany County had taken care of his father knowing the hardships of having a family member sent out of state. He fought to bring his own father back to ACNH, the only nursing home to accept him. He stated that Mr. Breslin was wrong in his figures and we needed the entire consortium of care and he would work with the Family Council and the residents to build a new home knowing the figures presented by Breslin and staff were very inflated and would work to correct them.
The other Dan McCoy is trying his hardest to sell the nursing home and residents down the river and give USG a lot more than $18 million. He stated to legislators there were no other bidders and no takers to the proposal of a private management team. That is not the case. Lies or did he just forget?
Truth — ACNH is being assessed $2.4 million in fees for Human Resources and for IT? How many HR people are at the nursing home and very few computers. This information was FOILed by a union at the facility. Are there more things assessed that don’t belong? McCoy was given many cost cutting suggestions by employees but they never heard from him again. One suggestion, ACNH has state of the art rehabilitation equipment, filling 25 beds with rehab patients would pay for the facility and make money but the facility needs a sign stating rehabilitation and hospitals need to know it’s not closing. Seems a difficult thing!
Mr. McCoy is not forthcoming in his dealings with the Legislature, ACNH Family Council, nor the taxpayers. Over $10 million spent in the past 10 years for empty parking lots and no convention center, nearly $100 million refurbishing the courthouse, buying the family court building, running a hockey rink always in the red. But that doesn’t come under scrutiny.
The final statement from Mr. McCoy to our legislators — You can put on your election flyers that you saved over $100 million — but please add and threw away the most vulnerable of our population — the residents and families at ACNH as well as the taxpayers. How disgusting!
Steve Layne, member of the Albany County Nursing Home Family