Editor, The Spotlight:
My thanks to The Spotlight for publishing the front page article in the February 27 issue with the caption, “No easy path for School’s Out”. I am sorry to say that in this busy world I am not always current with the news and did not know about the current struggle School’s Out is having, nor was I aware of the public hearing that was held on this matter. I am therefore very appreciative of The Spotlight’s article regarding this issue.
I write to express my hope that the officials of the Town of Bethlehem will be able to see the way clear so that School’s Out will be able to purchase and occupy the building at 90 Adams Place in Delmar.
As pastor of the Delmar Presbyterian Church for many years, I had the pleasure of a good relationship with School’s Out as they used space in the church’s fellowship hall. I found the program to be well run and the staff were delightful to work with. I was in the building in the pastor’s study doing concentrated work, at no time did I find the presence of the children either in the building or outside playing to be a distraction or an annoyance. As a matter of fact I was proud of the church that we were able to provide space for such an important program for the children and their families.
We live in a time when young families are hustling to make ends meet and they deal with a lot of stresses and strains in working and raising a family. I think it is a great comfort for them to know that their children are well cared for and this is the service that School’s Out provides for many families in our town. Nothing is more important than our children and the families who love them and who need the support of the larger community for their well being.
I understand that people will naturally have questions about noise levels and what not.
There are always concerns that can be raised about anything new.
While I understand the concerns I think they will be discovered to be unfounded.
Having School’s Out at 90 Adams Place would speak well for this community and for the leaders of our town as we seek to care for the needs of children and their families.
I found School’s Out to be a good neighbor and I think others will too it they are given the chance.
Rev. Larry A. Deyss, Delmar