Come celebrate Take Your Child to the Library Day on Saturday, Feb. 5, at 10:30 a.m., when Miss Lisa and Mrs. Brown will share their favorite books, songs, and felt board stories. This interactive, multi-age storytime will include an art activity that can be completed at the library or at home. Children ages 2 to 7 w/caregiver are invited to register online for this in-person program.
Operation Donate
The library will be accepting donations of personal care items, beginning February 1st, and running through the end of the month. All donations will benefit the Sgt. Henry Johnson Veterans House in Albany. A donation box can be found on the display table.
February Storytimes
Children ages 2-5, w/caregiver, will enjoy an interactive, theme-based storytime at 10 a.m. Tuesday mornings at the library. All storytimes have an emphasis on early literacy that will include an art activity that can be completed at the library or at home. Some of the themes for February are Happy Hats, Polar Bears & Penguins, and Friendship Fun. Registration is limited. Check our online calendar for specific dates, or call the library for more information.
Learning Circles
Join us at 7:00 p.m.,Thur. Feb. 17 for a virtual session of dialogue and active listening as we explore antiracist ideas and practices through books, articles, video, and podcasts.
— Lynn Kohler
Watch “The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (link is available on our event calendar) and come ready to have brave conversations and grow your understanding. Please register online in advance to receive the link.
Curbside pickup is available during all open library hours.
Masks are required of all visitors over the age of two, regardless of vaccination status.