If it weren’t for bad luck I would have no luck. I hear that quite a bit these days.
I hear that everything happens for a reason, or it is Murphy’s law. If the story of my life since having triplets was ever made into a movie I think people would laugh and insist that many of these things were fabricated. I would disagree. I have at least three witnesses who roll with the punches and have learned that no matter how bad we want things to turn out a certain way, it does not always work out.
I have had a few days lately that make me wonder if I will make it until the kids turn 18 in one piece. We had wonderful plans to go to the Ciccotti Center to enjoy the indoor water park. The bathing suits were on under our clothes. Towels were packed. We skipped out to the minivan, buckled our seat belts and started the car. The smiles on each of their faces were so beautiful and made my heart just swell. Then I looked at the digital display on the dashboard…we had a flat tire! I got out of the van and looked at the tire. Flat as could be. I sighed and knew that this was not going to be a positive turnout. The screaming and crying that ensued was what I expected…The kids were upset too.
Everything happens for a reason. I would like to think so, but I wonder sometimes. I let my kids have disappointment, failure and bad moods. I encourage them to talk about it, write about it and help them find constructive ways to get their frustrations out. I am no saint; in traffic, if someone cuts me off or refuses to stop for the red light, I can be pretty expressive. I think that my kids need to know I am NOT perfect. Being the mom of triplets is not always easy. Sometimes it is downright impossible. I am their mom for a reason. I believe that I was chosen to be their mom for a reason. They have something to teach me, and I am learning so much.
We have also had a great run of good luck. Each of the children loves school. Olivia is so excited that she can read and do algebra. She adores books, and is like her mom that way. Benjamin is discovering how much fun electricity can be Snap Circuits has brought out a degree of confidence in him that I always hoped was inside somewhere. Rebecca has discovered that she really loves physical education. The last of the children to walk, with a slightly turned in leg andlack of coordination, is now the most graceful child I know.
Murphy’s Law does explain how our hot water heater released all its water on the first day of winter break. The carpet soaked through and all the toys went back into the boxes they had just been released from after the move. The basement was stripped of the carpet for one month while we waited for the new carpet. While figuring out how to install a new hot water heater with such a bizarre configuration of pipes in the late night and being so desperate for a hot shower did lead to some interesting conversations and ideas from the kids. It made our family a little closer and happier.
I laugh because no matter what the reason that I end up five minutes late I know my kids are safely buckled in their booster seats and the tire pressure is as it should be so the van is safe. I make sure that there is a bit of laughter in everyday. I laugh at myself and make sure that my mistakes are noted, because moms fail right along with their kids. Olivia, Benjamin and Rebecca have gotten the luck of the draw as far as families go. They are loved, cherished and know that if they need a hug or smile, Mom and Dad are right here.
No matter what you call it — we are the lucky ones.
Jennifer Steuer is an Albany mom, whose busy household includes her husband, Harlan, and 7-year-old triplets Olivia, Benjamin and Rebecca.