Why I am voting to re-elect Tiger Anastasi?
I am voting to re-elect Tiger Anastasi for a couple of very simple reasons. First of all, Tiger is not a politician; he is a man of action. Tiger looks at what needs to be done to improve our community and simply does it, without regard to how it will look for him or affect him politically.
Another other reason I would re-elect Tiger Anastasi is because he is a man of his word. As I mentioned above, Tiger came out, assessed the situation and gave me his word that the situation would be taken care of.
For years I was having an issue with something on my property that was owned and maintained by the town. For years I petitioned the town to do something about it and I all received from the previous Superintendent was lip service. I discussed the issue with Tiger, he came out to my property, assessed the situation and decided something did need to be done about it. On one of his first days in office, which happened to be a bitter January day, Tiger showed up with a crew and started working on rectifying the issue. Tiger gave me his word, was true to his word and came out and took action.
I’ve lived in this community for 17 years. I care about our community. Since Tiger was elected, I’ve seen more projects being undertaken by his department than ever before. Tiger cares about our community too.
When Tiger initially ran for office I voted for him because of his sincerity and his passion to make Bethlehem better. Tiger didn’t aspire to political office; he did so because he saw things were not as they should be and he felt he could make a difference. Now I’m voting to re-elect Tiger because he has proven himself to be a virtuous person and a man of action, and one with the skills and experience to continue to improve things for Bethlehem and its residents. I’m voting to re-elect Tiger because he has proven himself to be, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the right person for the job.
Deirdre Mozes,
Fellow Democrat