Dear Editor:
The Fieldstone Coalition is made up of concerned Delmar residents living on Fieldstone Drive and the surrounding neighborhoods.
Our mission is to support the Town of Bethlehem’s efforts to preserve and enhance the character of our neighborhoods by making them pedestrian friendly and safe from speeding and dangerous cut-throughs.
We wish to thank the Town of Bethlehem Highway Department, led by Superintendent John “Tiger” Anastasi for the excellent work they are doing to preserve the beauty, safety and character of our neighborhoods and all of Bethlehem.
With the town’s support, the Highway Department has performed long overdue road re-paving, installed additional sidewalks to promote and encourage pedestrian activity and safety (without the use of expensive outside contractors), and consistently collected leaves and other debris.
Several of us have observed Tiger in the field, directly supervising the work and ensuring that it is completed properly. In particular, the department just completed the sidewalks on Murray Avenue, performing a first rate job consistent with Delmar’s high standards of quality.
We applaud Tiger’s hands-on leadership and the fine work performed by his dedicated employees.
Art Siegel
Representative of the Fieldstone Coalition to Preserve the Safety and Character of Our Streets