Dear Spotlight Editors:
I am seeking my first reelection as the Albany County Democratic Legislator representing central Delmar and write to outline the facts about my record in the Albany County Legislature. Specifically, I write in response to misinformation and inaccuracies about my participation in the Legislature that is being circulated by opponents.
My track record is deep on engagement, authorship and cosponsorship of many important Albany County proposals: the polystyrene ban, a plastic bag ban and fee, family and medical leave, pay equity, rail trail improvements, paid sick leave, and other initiatives.
Over my tenure, I have attended more than 80 Legislative Committee Meetings, 43 Legislative Sessions, 10 Budget Meetings, upwards of 70 public legislative hearings, and countless meetings with constituents and interested advocates. I am an independent reformer and am part of a coalition that met regularly as the Reformer Democratic Caucus, and am cofounder of the Women’s Caucus, which also meets regularly. I am known by my Republican and Democratic colleagues for my vocal, engaged, active legislative participation in the Legislature. After I was elected in 2015, I quickly became known as one of the most prolific and engaged members.
A concrete and specific example of my engagement and work is my latest accomplishment – the passage of Local Law O – which institutes an independent, non-political, accountable redistricting process for Albany County. This effort took nearly 3 years of legislative work, merging two bills into one, and I convened more than 15 separate legislative drafting meetings of my colleagues and outside experts to produce Local Law O which passed by 28 to 9.
This law institutes a credible, de-politicized and transparent process for our County’s 2020 redistricting process. I am proud of this bipartisan redistricting legislative victory, which will be a ballot referendum in November.
I am proud of this track record. I am proud to be part of a new crop of Democrats who are independent thinkers – who have rejected the old guard of Albany County patronage politics.
We have shaken things up and are bringing change – but because of this, we are subjected to regular personal attacks and lies by those connected to the Albany Democratic patronage political machine of the past. We will continue to fight hard for accountability and transparency.
I also have a track record of high performance, community engagement and active work on issues that impact my community. My record as a community volunteer and former Bethlehem Central School Board Member, a legislative leader, working wife and mother of 4 children is top-tier, far-reaching and high-producing.
I respectfully ask for your support for another term – to continue my successful track record of advancing initiatives to make Albany County an even better place to live. Most of all, don’t forget to vote June 25!
Joanne Cunningham
Albany County Legislator, District 34