Local expert Avraham Laber, developer of the rich and ever-expanding database known as Jewish Data, will demonstrate how to utilize this extensive resource as part of your genealogical research on Sunday Feb. 17 at 2 p.m. Please register in person, online, or by phone. That same day is National Random Acts of Kindness Day, so we’ll give out special commemorative bookmarks.
Presidents’ Day
The library will be closed Monday, Feb. 18 to commemorate Presidents’ Day. Happy birthday this month to two of our greatest, Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12) and George Washington (Feb. 22). We’re offering a full slate of activities during school vacation week to keep family members engaged, from Legos and Keva planks for Tweens and Teens (Feb. 19 at 7 p.m.) to Parachute Pajama Party for age 5 and under (2/22 at 10:30 a.m.) to live reptiles and amphibians for all ages (Feb. 20 at 2 p.m.). Go to guilderlandlibrary.org and click on the “Attend an Event” tab to survey the host of options.
Hour of Code: Scratch
On Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 2 p.m. we’ll cover the basics of coding using Scratch, MIT’s interactive programming software for creating stories, games, and animations. Children grades 3-6 and their parents are welcome to explore the capabilities of Scratch together! Please register online, by phone or in person.
Celebrate With Clifford
Beloved storybook pal Clifford the Big Red Dog will be here celebrating his birthday with us on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 10:30 a.m. He’s bringing lots of fun activities to share, and kids can get their picture taken with our favorite furry friend. Please pre-register online, by phone or in person, then join us for this very special birthday celebration!
Calling Gamers
Guilderland Public Library is the perfect place to test drive the latest video games! Not only can you check out the latest and greatest, but we’re offering a dedicated time to come and share your gaming passion with others on Thursday, Feb. 21, from 2:30 to 4: p.m. Platforms include Nintendo Switch, WiiU, and Xbox 360. Feel free to bring your own handheld game to sync up with others; open to all ages.
Oscar Movie Thursdays
Oscar-nominated films take center screen on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. throughout February in our acoustically-superior Helderberg Room with two musically-driven movies: “Bohemian Rhapsody” on Feb. 21, and “A Star is Born” on Feb. 28.
Disney Movie Sundays
Our popular Disney Movie series for families screens a different movie each month, leading up to a colossal Family Disney Trivia challenge on April 26. The classic tale of “Robin Hood” is slated for Sun. Feb. 24, at 2 p.m. You can’t beat the price – movies are always free, and we even provide popcorn!
Chinese New Year
Mark your calendars for Sat. Feb. 23, at 2 p.m. as we celebrate the Year of the Pig! Miss Julia is back with stories, songs, and rhymes in both Mandarin and English. This family-friendly program is suitable for children up to age 6.
Teens Teach Tech
Did you know….you can get one-on-one tech help from a Guilderland National Honor Society student? These 45-minute sessions are scheduled on Tuesdays between 3:30 and 5 p.m. Simply call the library at 518-456-2400, ext. 3 to make an appointment.
— Luanne Nicholson