#VoorheesvillePublicLibrary #SpotlightNews
Join us on Sunday, Dec. 9 at 2 p.m. for my favorite holiday action adventure film. You know I can’t tell you the title here, but, if I say barefoot NYPD officer John McClane spends the night trying to rescue his wife, Holly Gennaro, from bad guy Hans Gruber at a Christmas party at Nakatomi Plaza, I’m sure you will know what film I speak of. Rated R, 2h 12m. Light refreshments will be served. No registration needed.
Annual NYC Bus Trip
There are only a few spots left for this bus trip, so get yours today! Leaving from Voorheesville Elementary School Parking Lot at 7 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 15. Approximate arrival in New York City, near Bryant Park, is 10 a.m. Departure from New York City is 7 p.m. with approximate arrival in Voorheesville at 10 p.m. Cost $55, and FOL members $50. Cash or check payment is due when you reserve your seat in person at the Library.
Save the Dates
Dennis Sullivan will be our host for the second annual Winter Film Festival. This year, Dennis has chosen four films/directors that focus on life, death, dance, and subversion. Mark your calendars for “The Meaning of Life,” Jan. 16; “Amour,” Jan. 23; “Ginger and Fred,” Jan. 30; and “Lives of Others,” Feb. 13. All programs will start at 6 p.m., with discussion and insights. Light refreshments will be served.
Registering for programs helps us to determine supply needs. Unless otherwise indicated, registration is requested for all programs. You can register in person, by phone (518-765-2791) or using our online calendar at http://voorheesvillelibrary.org/calendar.asp.
— Lynn Kohler