#VoorheesvillePublicLibrary #SpotlightNews
Cooking for Teens and Parents
Join us on Thursday, August 23, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m as Jodie Fitz teaches teens and parents some quick, school-night dinner recipes to make together. Grade 7 and up with parent; please register.
Learn about 3D Printing
The Library has a new Lulzbot Mini2 3D Printer! Join us for an informational session, Tuesday, September 4 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm, where we touch on the basics of how to use it. We will go over the jargon, decipher some of the many acronyms, learn places to find items to print, and look
at some resources to start creating our own designs. Open to everyone 14 years of age and older.
Community party
After 30 years of commitment to the Voorheesville Public Library, Director Gail Sacco is set to retire. Please join us in a community send-off at the New Scotland Town Park on Sunday, September 30, from 1:00 to 6:00 pm. This will be a potluck luncheon with music, and games for the kiddies. More information to follow, but save the date!
Library to close for repairs
The Voorheesville Public Library will be closed on Wednesday, August 29 and will re-open on Tuesday, September 4 to allow for the replacement of the parking area and in observance of the Labor Day holiday. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, September 4.
Registering for programs helps us to determine supply needs. Unless otherwise indicated, registration is requested for all programs. You can register in person, by phone (518-765-2791) or using our online calendar at http://voorheesvillelibrary.org/calendar.asp.
— Lynn Kohler