#BethlehemPublicLibrary #TheSpot518
Teen lip sync
Hey teens, get ready to rock the library later this month at our first ever lip sync battle.
On Friday, July 27, at 7 p.m. let out your inner diva and dazzle friends and adoring fans with your very best rendition of a favorite song. There will be prizes, crafts and ice cream.
You are also welcome to just cheer on friends or watch the show; you don’t have to perform in order to take part. Send your song choice to [email protected] by July 20.
Please make sure it is the “clean” radio version and lasts no longer than 1.5 minutes.
Photography contest
Celebrate the Town of Bethlehem’s 225th anniversary by entering your best shot of the town in our photography contest.
Photos must be submitted framed (maximum size is 11 by 14 inches) and ready to hang between July 30-Aug. 31. Entries will be on display in September with winners in four age groups awarded Friday, Sept. 21.
Visit our website at bethlehempubliclibrary.org for entry form and details. Prizes will be provided by the Friends of Bethlehem Public Library.
Self-checkout is here
Need to check out your materials in a hurry? Would you like a little privacy? The new self-checkout kiosks at the Circulation Desk and the Children’s Place give you plenty of checkout options.
Our whimsical robot kiosk in the Children’s Place will delight young readers and give parents the opportunity for a quick exit if they sense a meltdown looming.
Two self-checkout machines at the circulation desk are user-friendly and will help speed up the checkout process during our busier times.
Unfamiliar with the technology? Our staffers are happy to help walk you through the process until you are comfortable with it.
One of our favorite features of the new machines is that staffers can step in any time and complete the transaction seamlessly without having to cancel everything and start over.
We know some library users will always enjoy face-to-face interaction with staff. No worries. We’re not going anywhere and will still be at the desk to assist you in person, if you prefer.
Calling hobbyists and craftspeople
We are still looking for people willing to share their specials skills at our How-To Festival on Saturday, Aug. 4. From noon-2 p.m. artisans and instructors will demonstrate their trades – from blacksmithing to yoga – to members of the community.
If you are interested in sharing your knowledge on a topic, we’d love to have you join us.
Contact Natalie McDonough at (518) 439-9314, ext. 3023 or by email at [email protected].
WiFi at Five Rivers
The library has begun offering free year-round WiFi at Five Rivers Environmental Education Center in one of the first DEC/public library partnerships in the state. Now you can connect to “Free Library WiFi” when you’re out and about at Five Rivers picnicking, hiking or exploring the nature center.
This network is in addition to “Free Library WiFi” at the town park and pool, as well as inside and outside the library building.
Summer hours reminder
The library is closed Sundays in July and August. You can access the library catalog and other library services online anytime at www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org
Other upcoming events
All events are free and take place at Bethlehem Public Library located at 451 Delaware Ave., in Delmar.
For more information, call 518-439-9314 or visit our website.
Thursday, July 12
Breakout Room
Like an Escape Room, use puzzle-solving skills to unlock the box in time, 2 p.m.
Sign up online or call.
Friday, July 13
Summer Cinema
Bring a blanket or pillow; we’ll supply the popcorn as you watch “Peter Rabbit” (PG, 89 min, Columbia), 2:30 p.m.
For kids and families.
Monday, July 16
Paint a Flowerpot
Wear some painting clothes and decorate a mini flowerpot with colorful acrylics. Supplies are limited; registration required, 10-10:45 a.m.
For grades 1 and up. Sign up online or call.
Monday, July 16
Monday Cinema: Victoria & Abdul
(PG-13, 112 min, Focus Features)
Enjoy popular films geared toward adult audiences, 2:30 p.m. Shown with subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing when possible.
Tuesday, July 17
Anime for Teens
Watch some Japanese anime with other teens and experience this unique style of storytelling. Film will be dubbed in English, 10:30 a.m. Snacks will be served.
Tuesday, July 17
Perfect Library Cards
Bring in a piece of your original artwork or a photograph, and we’ll use it to create a custom library card to be printed on the spot, 2-4 p.m.
(Please note that we cannot reproduce copyrighted materials.)
If you don’t already have a card, bring in a photo ID and proof of residence within the Bethlehem Central School District.
(Non-BCSD residents can still receive printed cards; they just can’t be used as library cards.)
Sign up online or call.
Tuesday, July 17
Summer Reading: Libraries Rock Trivia
Enjoy a trivia contest with prizes while you sign up for the Adult Summer Reading Challenge and preview the Summer Reading raffle baskets, 7-8:30 p.m.
Prizes provided by the Friends of Bethlehem Public Library.
Wednesday, July 18
Astronomy Myths and Mysteries
An Albany Visitors Center Educator will talk about how mythology helped ancient astronomers interpret the night sky, 10 a.m.
For ages 9 and up. Sign up online or call.
Wednesday, July 18
Evenings on the Green: Craic Agus Ceol
The band’s name means “fun and music” in Gaelic, and they play traditional contemporary Irish folk with some popular tunes thrown in the mix, 7 p.m.