#ColoniePublicLibrary #WilliamKSanfordPublicLibrary #SpotlightNews
Saturday, April 14
Chinese Language and Writing Systems
Presented by the U.S.-China Peoples Friendship Association: have you ever wondered about the systems that inform Chinese language and its character-words?
Come and hear Dr. Fan Pen Chen (associate professor in the Department of East Asian Studies at UAlbany) explain them.
Program starts at 1:30 p.m.
Sunday, April 15
Art Song: Linking Poetry and Music
Enjoy a celebration of poetry and song in honor of National Poetry Month.
Soprano Bienvenida Baez and accompanist Michael Clement will introduce and perform a series of compositions that meld poetry with music.
Registration is required for the 2 p.m. event and can be done online or by calling 518-810-0318.
Monday, April 16
Mindful Eating Monday
Most of us eat mindlessly, or out of stress or boredom, when we are not really hungry. Surprisingly, people find they enjoy food more and actually eat better when they pay more attention to the experience of eating.
This fun, interactive workshop will get you started, and also provide strategies to reduce mindless eating. Registration is required for the 6:30 p.m. workshop and can be done online or by calling 518-810-0318.
Tuesday, April 17
Medicare 101: A Primer for Everyone
If you are enrolled in Medicare or soon to be enrolled, you may have many questions. Help is here: Janet Kiffney, a certified Medicare counselor with the New York State Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program, will present a “soup-to-nuts” program on Medicare. You’ll leave with a better understanding of your options and obligations with regard to health insurance.
This presentation is sponsored by the state Office for the Aging and the Albany County Department for Aging. Registration is required for the 1 p.m. event and can be done online or by calling 518-810-0318.
Tuesday, April 17
Your Family’s Future: Why You Need an Estate Plan
Discusses asset transfer, incapacity protection, guardian for minors or dependents, charitable intent and/or tax control. Presented by Lisa Pett, financial advisor, Edward Jones and JulieAnn Calareso, attorney, The Shevy Law Firm.
Registration is required for the 4 p.m. event and can be done online or by calling 518-810-0318.
Wednesday, April 18
ICAN: What it is and How it Can Help?
ICAN is the ombudsprogram for people with Medicaid long-term care services in New York state. It is a network of community-based organizations throughout the state.
It assists New Yorkers in enrolling in and obtaining services through managed care plans which provide long-term care services in the home. Services are free and confidential.
Presented by Muriel Miller, ICAN paralegal at Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York’s Albany office. Registration is required for the 1 p.m. event and can be done online or by calling 518-810-0318.
Thursday, April 19
Stress Busters
Stress can affect our sleep, pain, mood and more. This class will discuss stretching and breathing exercises, simple meditation, visualization and positive imagery.
You will learn how to use these tools to de-stress throughout your day. Presented by Stacie Hebert, community health educator with MVP Health Care.
Registration is required for the 1 p.m. event and can be done online or by calling 518-810-0318.
Thursday, April 19
Film Series With Lenny Zapala
Film expert and Menands Public Library Director Lenny Zapala continues with his year-long “Film Noir” series – which includes many of the defining films of the genre.
And don’t forget Lenny’s introduction and comments after the films too.
This month, “The Big Heat” (1953) with Glenn Ford, Lee Marvin, Joycelyn Brando, and Gloria Grahame. (“The Big Heat” was proclaimed “one of the great post-war noir films” when it was included in the Library of Congress’ National Film Registry.)
Program begins at 6 p.m.
Thursday May 24: “Chinatown”(1974.)
Upcoming (dates TBA): “The Long Goodbye” (1973) and “Nocturnal Animals” (2016.)
Joe Nash
Colonie Library