Sonny and Perley — the ever-popular musical performers — are doing a very special event at GPL on Monday, Jan. 30, at 5 p.m. They’re recording an album of live material, with all of us as their audience. You will be part of a live recording session.
This is a ticketed event, limited to 100 participants, and tickets are going fast. You can pick up tickets at the library’s Information Desk, but do so soon. (Only four tickets per person, please.) If you want to call ahead to have some tickets set aside to pick up later, please call 456-2400, ext. 2.
Dinosaur Math with GPL Sprouts
Children ages 4 through 7 are encouraged to come to GPL on Thursday, Jan. 19, at 3:30 p.m., for a fun-filled STEM program that’s sure to fascinate. We’ll explore the world around us through experiments, activities, crafts and books. There will be lots of hands-on learning for everyone. Children must be accompanied by an adult caregiver. Please register by calling 456-2400, ext. 4, or register online at the Events and Registration Calendar on
Choosing and Using Family History Software
Have you collected a boatload of information about your family history … but don’t know how to organize and share it? Then, come to “Choosing and Using Family History Software” at GPL on Saturday, Jan. 21, at 10:30 a.m., and find out what will work best for you.
Professional genealogist Lisa Dougherty will examine the types of genealogy software, compare the features of the major brands, and provide demonstrations of both online and offline programs so you can make an educated decision in preserving your family story. Please register by calling 456-2400, ext. 2, or register online at the Events and Registration Calendar on
The Best (and Worst/Funniest) Holiday Photos
Photographers: start the New Year with a sharing session where you can showcase your best (and worst) holiday photos; it happens on Thursday, Jan. 19, at 7 p.m.
We’ll celebrate the great ones and learn from the ones that didn’t deliver as we hoped. Then, we’ll view a 25-minute video on the earliest history of photography. All are welcome.
Kids: Read to a Book Buddy
Calling all kids in grades 1 through 4! Come and build your reading skills and confidence by reading to a teen Book Buddy. The 30-minute Book Buddy sessions take place every Tuesday in January. Slots are available at 4, 4:30, 5 and 5:30 p.m. All reading levels welcome. Call 456-2400, ext. 4 to register.
— Mark Curiale