John Croce
Owner/pharmacist, Four Corners Pharmacy
Residence: Selkirk
Hometown: Modena
What type of music do you listen to?
I listen to (Frank) Sinatra — the (19)40s and 50s. It’s what I can play on piano.
What TV shows do you watch?
“Big Bang Theory.” Other than that, “Better Call Saul.” I’m glad that one came back. I binge watched “Breaking Bad,” so when “Better Call Saul” came on, I was glad because I could watch that in real time.
What books do you read?
The last one I read was “Killing Lincoln.” Other than that, it’s true life crime.
What was the last movie you saw?
“The Intern” with Robert DeNiro and Anne Hathaway. They played it off pretty well. It was touching … it was nice.
What are some of your hobbies?
I like to golf. I camp, boat and ice fish.
Who is one famous person, dead or alive, you would like to meet?
I’d probably say Abraham Lincoln for the book I just read. I’d ask him about the Civil War and how it impacted him as he tried to bring the country back together.
What is your favorite local moment?
Opening the pharmacy and then just the number of people we’ve helped over the years — being in a position to help people and being able to appreciate it.
What is your dream vacation?
Going to a tropical resort with my wife and just enjoying the beach and the water.
What would your last meal be?
Ribeye (steak), green spinach and baked potato.
What is a surprising fact about yourself?
I really enjoy quiet time and solitude. I’m usually the loud talking guy.