Mike Cohen
Town of Bethlehem Comptroller
• Hometown: Philadelphia
What are you listening to?
I typically listen to Sirius Satellite Radio and most days 70’s on 7. I like how different the music is from song to song.
What have you been watching on TV?
I recently finished “House of Cards” and I’ve DVR’d “The Americans.” I also just finished up with most of the series of “Archer.” It’s an interesting cartoon.
What have you been reading?
Do I have to fess up to what I actually read? I just finished up with “Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader,” which is actually a wonderful book that can be read in increments. It’s about television.
What is the last movie you saw?
“World War Z.” I actually have a really large DVD collection. I have over 1,000 of them, and my kids were watching it.
What is your favorite hobby?
Video editing. I do a lot of that as a hobby for making montage videos. Do them for my kids or as a gift for other people.
What person would you like to meet, living or dead?
Philo T. Farnsworth. He was inventor of television and I’m absolutely astounded we can transmit moving images through the air. I’d like to get an understanding of how he figured it out. He was 15 when he discovered it and lived on a farm.
What is your ideal vacation?
I’m from Philadelphia, so most of my vacations are my family and I going there to visit family and friends.
What is your favorite local memory?
I enjoy the annual Memorial Day parades.