Don DeMarco understands you have a busy life. He understands swinging into the quick change oil place can require an entire day of planning. He offers another solution.
The owner of Easy Lube On-Site Oil Change has been changing the Capital District car maintenance industry since May by allowing the busy working class more time to do life.
“Because I come to you, you don’t have to take two hours away from your family or squeeze an oil change into a busy weekday,” DeMarco said. “Even if you’re just chilling in the hot tub while I work, that’s fine. I come to you.”
DeMarco will show up in uniform at your place of work, your home, or anywhere you might be to change your oil and work on your car while you go about your day — and he will not leave a drop of oil behind.
“I focus on providing quality workmanship with integrity, respect and care so my customers enjoy a pleasant, organized and stress free experience. I use high quality USA made oil filters and API certified synthetic blend and full synthetic motor oil that allows your car more mileage between oil changes,” DeMarco said.
Part of making sure your car is in great shape is his extensive checklist. DeMarco refers to his system as a 15-point service. Sure, he cleans your air filter and makes sure your fluids are topped off, but DeMarco is also looking at tire pressure, turn signals, front and back lights and more. All of DeMarco’s services are cleanly laid out on his website along with his pricing, many reviews and more. He’s honest and will not try to upsell you, but will be sure to let you know if he discovers a deficiency. “A properly maintained vehicle is vital for our on-the-go living, but more importantly, for you and your family’s safety. If I notice a potential problem I want you to know about it,” DeMarco concluded.