Bethlehem police arrested Derek A. Kalish, 20, of 848 Madison Ave., Apt. 1, Albany, and charged him with driving while ability impaired by drugs and failure to keep right on Route 9W in Glenmont Sunday, March 10, at approximately 7:34 a.m.
Police said Kalish crossed into the opposite lane and crashed into another driver, who was transported to the hospital for chest pain and a shoulder injury. Kalish was evaluated by EMS, but refused medical treatment.
Witnesses claimed Kalish was driving erratically and crossed into the northbound lane several times, according to police.
Police said Kalish appeared “very disorientated, very sluggish, had difficulty completing sentences, appeared as if his eyelids were very heavy,” had a dry mouth and glassy, bloodshot eyes.
Kalish allegedly told police he was traveling to see his girlfriend when he received a text message and then looked down to see it. When Kalish looked back up he said, “it was too late,” according to police.