BETHLEHEM – Craig Weston, Chief Pilot of Sky Photos LLC has been accepted by the Federal Aviation Administration as a Safety Team Representative Drone Pro.
FAASTeam Representatives are responsible for assisting the FAASTeam Program Manager (FPM), in promoting and fostering aviation safety. DronePros are FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) volunteers who work closely with the FAA to promote safety in their local area. DronePros are interviewed and trained by the FAA and are provided with equipment and materials to help them plan events and give presentations.
A DronePro may be able to come talk to students or set up a flight demonstration.
Safety Team representatives also provide advice to individuals concerning safety issues, direct individuals to appropriate FAA personnel for additional help, and may counsel pilots or aviation maintenance technicians in need of assistance with specific aviation safety concerns.
For more information on the FAA safety program, visit