Over the past nine years, five Summit Senior Living Communities have taken root in convenient locations across the Capital Region. Locally owned and operated, Summit offers a distinctive living option for people age 55 and older—combining the best aspects of a resident’s home with the best features of a boutique hotel.
As beautiful as these communities are, it’s the Connected Life program that has drawn more than 500 residents to Summit communities. From fitness and wellness classes, to Summit University’s educational and learning opportunities, to trips and outings—a robust programming calendar offers a constant stream of activities to give residents the experiences they desire with a “neighbors helping neighbors” sense of community.
And not even COVID-19 was going to change that.
When the need for extra precautions emerged, Summit acted fast to keep residents safe while preserving the touches that make life at Summit so special. The proactive approach was based on three fundamental concepts:
1. Rational and proactive decision making
Summit staff met early on to develop a set of policies and procedures to determine how to best protect residents. A plan was put in place to not only protect their physical health, but to bolster their mental and emotional health as well.
2. Constant communication with residents and families
There’s nothing scarier than not being able to get to the people you love. On March 13, Summit sent out its first policy and protocol memo to help residents and families understand the changes taking place at the communities and the steps Summit was taking to ensure everyone’s safety and well-being. Frequent updates helped families and residents feel protected while maintaining a sense of normalcy.
3. Commitment to those they serve
While isolation made the world feel smaller, Summit doubled down on its mission to connect residents to activities, humor, and one another.
When daily continental breakfast was halted, weekly breakfast bags were delivered; when in-person happy hours couldn’t happen, Summit staff went door to door and residents safely gathered six feet apart to laugh and share stories with friends; when fitness classes couldn’t take place, walking groups and live streaming of fitness programs kicked into high gear; and when families were kept away to protect their loves ones, Summit stepped in to pick up prescriptions, a bunch of bananas or a loaf of bread.
These steps ensured that during a frightening and lonely time for many, Summit residents felt a sense of community like they had never felt before.
Learn more about Summit Senior Living by visiting summitseniorlife.com.