The Capital District Transportation Authority is riding a wave of popularity thanks to improving technology, a growing partnership base and the return of the Capital District’s core cities. CDTA has seen ridership grow from 14 million to 17 million over the past five years, using that as a springboard to growing its customer base and offer a wider set of travel choices.
Many of CDTA’s riders are getting information on the go, whether through a mobile application featuring real time information or through a new responsive website. There is always the option to call for reroutes, schedules and more, but technology has been a game-changer for public transit.
Following that game plan, CDTA is pilot testing its Navigator smart card and mobile ticketing system throughout the region. Navigator offers durable, secure smart cards that use EZ-Pass like technology to make ordering, riding and refilling straightforward. A second option in early testing as an enhanced mobile application that offers ticketing options.
There are no more days standing at the bus stop during inclement weather. Just log in, check the real time schedules and then board without so much as opening your wallet. The addition of Navigator loyalty programs with special offers, discounts, contests and promotions round out the improvements the Capital District will be seeing over the coming weeks and months.
Improved technology means more efficient travel for the Capital District. Riders will always be charged the ‘best fare’ and Navigator’s new AutoLoad feature means you won’t have to run out of value or make a special trip to get a new pass.
Riders have two options with CDTA’s Navigator: You can ride on your own schedule with our Pay As You Go plan that applies a dollar amount to your registered account. There is also a new Frequent Rider option that provides a discounted monthly option for consistent riders.
The key question everyone wants to know is whether prices will be the same, right? Well, fares will remain the same, while some registered Navigator customers will see a slight reduction in daily prices.
This is the beginning of something big for the Capital District. Imagine a day in the not too distant future where CDTA’s Navigator card/app allow you access to the bus, to rent a bike, share a car or even take a taxi ride. Now that’s an innovation we can all get behind.
CDTA is still accepting Navigator pilots through their website or through its Customer Service Center at 482-8822. Be one of the first to try the new, easy to use system and make travelling across the region easier and greener than ever.