When it comes to real estate, Linda Mazzariello’s mission is peace of mind.
A lifelong Capital District resident and agent with Realty USA, Mazzariello went the real estate route five years ago when she retired from her former job with the government.
“After about two years of retirement, I was a little bored. How much gardening and lunching can you do? “I decided I wanted to do something that meant something … something that I wanted to get up and do everyday,” Mazzariello said.
She knew she always loved the real estate world.
“My grandfather used to tell us a story … he came over on the boat from Italy. He didn’t speak English, but always said to buy real estate. He has 10 children, and he gave each one of those children $5,000 to buy their first home. He always told us that story, and it must have resonated with me somehow,” Mazzariello said.
Mazzariello said there is a house for everyone and everyone for a house.
“I knew I wanted to help other people realize their home ownership dreams,” she said.
Right off the bat, Mazzariello knew the senior population was a group she wanted to help and became designated as a senior real estate specialist (SRES) trained to work with people over the age of 50.
“It recognizes that I am qualified and specially trained in the special needs that seniors have,” she said. “I can assist in housing, the sale of a home, the purchase of a home, and I have different avenues that I can explore with them.”
As an SRES realtor, Mazzariello will organize any types of services her clients need such as help with estate sales, contacting financial advisers, suggesting housing alternatives or finding assistance in packing and moving of belongings.
“I can help navigate the moving process, make referrals to attorneys, home inspectors and other moving related companies,” she said. “Simple things like hooking them up with lawyers or being a local community resource — it makes me happy,” Mazzariello said. “They feel like they are not alone and someone does care.”
It’s that special care that Mazzariello enjoys the most. She believes a Realtor is more than someone who can run a market analysis or do a search for houses for sale. It’s a relationship, she said, and working with the senior population requires a special touch.
Mazzariello said the process can sometimes feel like a maze, but knowing where to start and how to proceed along the way is what she does best. She is quick to add that she finds this joy in not only her senior clients, but with clients of all ages.
“It’s just as rewarding with a new young buyer,” she said. “I see it in their faces when they open the door and know it’s the house for them. It makes you feel so good.”
Linda Mazzariello can be reached at 435-1700 or [email protected], or visit her website at www.realtyusa.com/agent/Linda-Mazzariello/rusa3391.