COLONIE —The Planning Board, earlier this month, granted final approval to an application by Peter Luizzi & Brothers to construct four buildings on 28-acres of vacant industrial land on Fifth Street near the Watervliet border.
There will be one 10,000-square-foot office building, a 10,000-square-foot ware house, a 15,000-square-foot warehouse and a 15,000-square-foot maintenance building. There will be a parking lot to accommodate 88 cars and a 11.6 acres of land used for storage.
The office and maintenance buildings and storage yard will be the new headquarters for the company’s construction business.
The site — bordered by MBS Realty Enterprises on the east, Fist Street to the south, D&H Railroad tracks along Lincoln Avenue to the west and lands owned by Guildord Trans to the north — is 82 acres but the plan calls for it to be subdivided with the buildings constructed on about 28 acres. A little more than 4.1 percent will be buildings with another 47.7 percent pavement or gravel while 48.2 will be greenspace.
There is nothing on the land located off now except scrub brush and a few mature trees, according to the narrative submitted to the Planning Board by Advance Engineering & Surveying on behalf of Luizzi.
It is estimated the site will generate 43 trips per afternoon peak hour. There will be some noise generated from the site, according to the narrative, but it will be similar to the noise generated from the surrounding industrial site. The buildings will tie into existing town infrastructure like water and sewer.