Kassie Parisi
Colonie reporter, Spotlight News
Residence: Delmar
Hometown: Delmar
What have you been listening to lately?
I’ve had “The Life of Pablo” from Kanye West on repeat for months. I’ve also been listening to Phantogram and Radiohead because they both have new music out. My dad has also played classical music all my life, so I listn to that a lot too in the car.
What have you been reading?
I have a lot of books going at once. I’m making my through “The Iliad” and also very slowly working through “The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe” and a lot of shorter poetry books like “Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth” by Warsan Shire, and “A Million Bears” by Spencer Madsen.
What is your favorite show on TV?
It’s a three-way tie between “Archer,” “BoJack Horseman” and “Regular Show.” Also, “Spongebob (Squarepants).” I love cartoons. I’m also obsessed with “Broad City.”
What was the last movie you saw?
I just saw “The Conjuring 2” in the movie theater. It wasn’t as scary as the first one, sadly.
Could you describe what your dream vacation would be?
I think my dream vacation changes all the time depending on my mood. Right now, I would like so go somewhere very quiet and very secluded, and someplace preferably filled with very pale, pastel colors.
What are some of your hobbies?
I like to write and read most of all, so I’m lucky to get to write as a career. I also enjoy looking at trees, animals, and hanging out in museums and cafes. I like driving around by myself too. Being alone but not lonely is a hobby of mine.
What would your last meal be?
I don’t know because I would prefer not to know it’s my last meal, but if I had to pick, probably pizza or a Stack from Moes.
Who is the one person (dead or alive) that you would most like to meet?
Jim Morrison.
What is your favorite local moment?
I don’t think I have a favorite local moment. I think living here has allowed me to have one continous favorite moment, because it seems like every time I’m just driving around, or even walking somewhere, I’m just so happy to be in Albany and have a home here. That being said, I’ve gotten to see a couple of my favorite bands here like Phantogram and Purity Ring, and that was cool.