A series of candidate forums are approaching that are sponsored by The Spotlight, the League of Women Voters of Albany County and other local partners.
In the Town of Colonie, there are to be two debates this year thanks to help from the Colonie Chamber of Commerce. On Wednesday, Oct. 23, at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites at 400 Old Loudon Road, Latham, Colonie Supervisor Paula Mahan and her Republican challenger Todd Drake will appear for a breakfast program from 7:30 to 9 a.m. There is a $20 cost associated with this event to cover the breakfast, and registrations can be made through the Chamber’s website at the Chamber’s website.
A week later, on Wednesday, Oct. 30, at the Holiday Inn Albany at 205 Wolf Road, Albany, there will be a second program running from 7 to 9 p.m. with the supervisor candidates and candidates for Town Board.
Candidates running for Town Board and for town supervisor in Guilderland have been invited to a forum on Monday, Oct. 28, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Guilderland Public Library, 2228 Western Ave., Guilderland,
A busier event will take place in the Town of Bethlehem on Tuesday, Oct. 22, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 Delaware Ave., Delmar. The event will start with statements from candidates for town clerk and town justice, then move on to a forum with the candidates for highway superintendent in which the audience may provide written questions. Candidates for Town Board have been invited to participate in a forum immediately following, and the event will wrap up with a debate between the candidates for town supervisor.
All these events are open to the public and, with the exception of the Colonie breakfast, are free to attend.