Guilderland Democrats overcame opportunity to ballot challenges from town Republicans vying for Independence Party lines, and also fended off GOP challenges for Conservative slots.
Town Democrats secured all contested third-party ballot lines during the Primary Election on Tuesday, Sept. 10, according to unofficial election results. Democratic candidates secured the Independence lines for two Town Board seats, town clerk, receiver of taxes and two town justice seats. Democrats also prevailed in Conservative Party primary battles for Town Board and town justice ballot lines.
Democratic candidates faced write-in challenges for the Independence Party lines for two Town Board seats, town clerk and receiver of taxes.
Independence candidates for the town now include incumbents Patricia Slavick and Paul Pastore for Town Board, Jean Cataldo for town clerk, Lynne Buchanan for receiver of taxes and Richard Sherwood and incumbent Denise Randall for town justice.
Democratic candidates Slavick, Pastore, Randall and Sherwood also secured Conservative Party approval for their respective races.
Slavick received 147 votes (37 percent) and Pastore garnered 137 votes (35 percent) on the Independence primary for Town Board, with 112 write-ins cast.
Republican Lee Carman, who is a county legislator, had his name on the ballot for the Conservative Party primary for Town Board and received 82 votes (28 percent). Pastore, however, garnered 87 votes and Slavick received 99 votes, according to unofficial results. There were also 21 write-ins cast in that race.
Democrats Randall and Sherwood handily secured Independence and Republican ballot lines for town justice against Republican candidates Christopher Aldrich and Stephen DeNigris, the latter of whom a registered Democrat endorsed by the town GOP.
The Independence town justice primary saw Randall securing 152 votes (37 percent) and Sherwood receiving 138 (34 percent), with Aldrich and DeNigris trailing at 58 and 45 votes, respectively, according to unofficial results. There were also 13 write-ins cast.
Similar results were seen in the Conservative primary for town justice, with Randall holding 112 votes (35 percent) and Sherwood garnering 108 votes (34 percent). DeNigris had 42 votes and Sherwood had 38 votes, along with 18 write-ins cast.