In Januarys past, I have used this space to talk about my New Year resolutions, and, in alternate years, why I don’t like resolutions. This year, I thought I would open the floor to our readers on Facebook. I asked you what your family resolutions were, and made one of my own I promise to keep the Parent Pages Facebook site active and up-to-date.
So without further ado, here are our reader resolutions!
Tara Coons-Hulett: Our family resolves to do more activities together as a family. With our crazy schedules, we resolve to set aside some family game time, and more family outings!
Carolyn Tenney Deso: I resolve our family will spend more time playing together!
Jessica Davey: We are resolving to make an effort to all get along more and spend more quality time together.
Josh Littell: Our family resolve is to spend more time together doing family activities that do not involve the TV.
Trisha Moore: Our family is resolving to put away the electronic gadgets a little more a week and spend some quality time together, just the four of us!
Richard Ruotolo: Our family resolves to volunteer more in the community to help out those in need in the new year.
Michelle Oeffler: My resolution for my two girls and I is to spend time at night before bed talking about their days. The good, the bad and all in between!
Debi Boissy Colwell: I resolve to get our almost 3-year-old involved in more organized activities, such as gymnastics and music.
Michelle Ruotolo: To daily read family devotions.
Nikki Martin: Our resolution is to visit loved ones more. We catch ourselves being so darn busy during the holiday season, we tend to not see our family as much. Meaning grandparents, etc. Time is so precious.
Amber Townsend: Our family resolution is to put down our electronics (phones, game systems, computers) and PLAY together, read more together and talk more without one of us being “plugged in.”
Kathy Johnson: To get healthy together, exercise (make it fun) and cook healthy meals together.
Chantel Polarolo: Our family resolution is to spend more quality time together. We will “camp out” in the living room once a month together and have family movie night. We also will do more craft activities together without electronics.
Denise Curet Diaz: I’d like for us to show more gratitude for what we do have and pay less attention to what we don’t have. We spend way too much time wanting material things and not enough time being grateful for all the blessings in our life.
Michelle Cherie: My resolution is to get more involved in charities instead of just donating $$.
Jennifer VanDyke Soucia: I would like our family resolution to be that we spend more time together as a family because our kids are growing up so fast.
Desiree Bowers: Our resolution is to appreciate each other and all that we have.
As always, thanks for reading. Check out our articles and resource listings at and mail your story ideas and pictures to Capital District Parent Pages, 125 Adams St., Delmar, NY 12054, or e-mail us at [email protected]. Stay up to date with us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter at @CDParentPages and @Robertsk_cdpp.