The Town of Colonie’s Parks and Recreation Department will soon offer tennis lessons run by coaches from Shaker High School.
The department has received a $5,000 grant from the United States Tennis Association that will allow it to host tennis lessons once a week for five weeks starting on Wednesday, July 20, at the Shaker High School tennis courts.
For residents, the program will cost $15 for children 18 years old or younger and $24 for adults. For non-residents, it will be $25 for children and $35 for adults.
The purpose for seeking out the grant was to expand the recreational offering of the town for the residents, said Parks Director Alicia Osur. `We’re always looking for low-cost or no-cost options. That’s why we got a wonderful opportunity for a whole range of people from young children to adults.`
Osur said a sport like tennis does not cost much to play.
`All you really need is a racket and a can of balls,` she said. `No matter what income level you are, there are so many public courts that are available to anyone.`
Being a former tennis player, Osur sees a lot of benefits in playing tennis. She said it is one people can begin playing at a young age and continue playing for years. Once she heard the USTA was offering grants to towns to set up a program, she contacted USTA Eastern Vice President Gerry Cuva, the Shaker tennis coach.
He wrote up the application for the grant after getting a complete demographic study of Colonie from the town and put together a proposal for what the town would do with the money. USTA saw it as a good idea and issued the grant, he said.
Another tennis coach, Ernie Ripepi, will be running the program, and Cuva will donate some of his time to help. Cuva said what he hopes people who attend the lessons will learn the basics of the game.
`They’re going to learn how to hold the rackets, how to stand and how to stroke the ball,` he said, adding that participants will also get more out of the program then just tennis. `It’s recreation, exercise and getting to meet people. This hopefully is the beginning of a town-wide tennis program.`
Tennis has offered him a lot of opportunities such as getting into schools and employment. It also has health benefits. Since it’s a start-and-stop sport, he said it is a heart-healthy activity.
`It is more beneficial to the cardiovascular system than continuous exercise,` he said. `There are a lot of pluses to tennis. There aren’t too many sports you can do when you get older.`
Cuva gave a lot of credit to both Osur and Colonie Supervisor Paula Mahan for the support they had given the program. Osur said she is excited to have the program begin as she recognizes the many benefits of the sport as well.
`I really thank the USTA for allowing us to provide a great, healthy and fun opportunity for the residents of Colonie,` she said.
Those who want to participate they will need to supply their own tennis rackets. Spots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, with Colonie residents getting first priority. To register, got to or call the Parks and Recreation Department at 783-2760“