Saratoga Springs Police said they are scaling back the search for Eleanor Adams who has been missing from her apartment at the Embury Apartments since Sunday, Sept. 12. Lt. Greg Veitch said intensive ground searches have failed to produce any further evidence as to where Adams is. He also said investigative leads have been few and have not led police any closer to finding her.
Some 60 people–city police, firefighters, New York State Forest Rangers and volunteers from a number of local volunteer fire companies and the Volunteer Search Federation–have searched about 250 acres of wooded terrain north and west of Embury Apartments, said Veitch, as well as about 40 miles of road. As many as 60 people have been involved in the organized ground searches during the past week. An aerial search was conducted with the assistance of the New York State Police Aviation Unit and several areas were searched with trained search dogs. Urban searches have been conducted in the neighborhoods between Embury and the Price Chopper on Railroad Place, an area that Eleanor was known to frequent. Police also searched several abandoned buildings on the city’s west side with the assistance of City Code Enforcement personnel. Police have repeatedly canvassed several areas of the city and interviewed dozens of individuals in the hope of generating any leads, according to information from Veitch.
Veitch said police are not ending the search for Adams but that the search area has been reduced and police will immediately follow up any leads that are developed.
Police are asking people to check their properties, including any outbuildings that they may not have accessed in the past couple of weeks.
Police say they believe that the assistance of the public will be a key factor in solving this disappearance and are again asking anyone who may have information on the whereabouts of Adams to contact them at 584-1800 or 584-TIPS (8477).
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