Daniel Mackay, founder of the advocacy group New Scotlanders for Sound Economic Development, announced on Tuesday, May 5, he will be seeking a position on the New Scotland Town Board.
Mackay said the large retail development proposed at the corner of routes 85 and 85A have motivated him to seek office. He has been an outspoken critic of the proposal and supports a 50,000-square-foot size cap on retail developments.
He said, though, that other issues, such as public safety and open government will be a priority, according to information he provided.
In the campaign ahead, I will welcome the support of New Scotland voters from across our town and across all political parties. I look forward to meeting you and listening to you over the next seven months in an effort to earn the trust of your vote this fall, he said in his announcement.
Supervisor Tom Dolin and Councilmember’s Peg Neri and Doug LaGrange all have terms expiring in November.