Ballston Spa School District staff will take furloughs to avoid deeper budget and staffing cuts, the district announced Thursday, April 9.
The district is in the midst of its budgeting process for the 2009-2010 school year. The threat of reduced state aid has driven many schools across the state to make cuts.
Our goal is to get the tax levy under 2% with the support of everyone in the organization, said Superintendent Joseph Dragone in a statement. `By taking a fresh look at the 2009-2010 calendar, the furloughs will enable us to be able to continue to provide our excellent academic programs for students, lessen the tax impact on the community and continue to maximize our resources`.
The district has over 700 employees. The Ballston Spa Administrative Council, the Ballston Spa Teachers Association, the Ballston Spa Association of Teaching Assistants, district administrators and all non-unionized employees have agreed to give back work time, according to the district.
The Civil Service Employees Association did not participate in the negotiations.
The Board of Education is scheduled to adopt a budget on April 22, and it will go before voters on May 19.