The Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library is embarking on a few green initiatives in the upcoming weeks to celebrate its upcoming 40th anniversary, April 19, and Earth Day, April 22.
The library will no longer provide plastic bags, once the current supply is depleted, to patrons for their checked books.
Although reusable, the plastic bags eventually wind up in the landfills, where studies say it can take more than 1,000 years for plastic to degrade. On April 22, Earth Day, the library will give out 50 canvas bags throughout the day on a random basis, as a token of appreciation to those patrons who bring in their own bags.
The Friends of the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library will continue to sell their canvas totes and backpacks for $10 as an environmentally friendly option for patrons. For those patrons who forget their own bags, there will be bags available to borrow. These will circulate like other items, are reusable and fines will be assessed only when lost.
The second green initiative is an activity for all ages. The library is announcing a call for artists for an upcoming exhibit, Books as Art-Art from Books.
Book binding and writing books have long been seen as art forms themselves. A new trend for artists is to use books as raw materials for their art.
They are inviting patrons to create art using discarded books destined for the landfill. There are no limitations ` artists can carve, fold, make sculptures, paint, even collage. Upcycling is also an option. This trend is similar to recycling, however, in it, one comes up with an entirely new use for the object being recycled.
Visit the library to pick up discarded books. They are located at the 40th anniversary display table.
There is no age requirement and there are no restrictions.
This is not a contest; no prizes will be awarded. The pieces will be displayed around the library during the annual budget vote in September. They will start accepting pieces Tuesday, Sept. 1.
For information and an entry form, visit the Web site at, and follow the link for Celebrating 40 Years of Service to the Community.