Warm weather and sunshine are right around the corner, and area golfers can break out their clubs and hit the links now that the Western Turnpike Golf Course is open.
The course officially opened on Friday, March 27, to both Guilderland residents and others.
It’s an early start to the season, said Dennis Moore, director of parks and recreation. `It’s open to the public, and anyone can come on and play.`
Residents can play 18 holes on the weekends for $22 and non-residents for $32. A round of nine holes runs $12 for residents and $18 for non-residents.
Moore said the course looks relatively good considering that it is only April.
`It looks good; it looks like it came through the winter well,` Moore said.
He said the grass is not `lush` yet, but he expects it will improve as the weather gets nicer.
The course has a driving range, which costs $6 per bucket and a free putting green.
Guilderland Supervisor Ken Runion said the course finished last year with a small surplus and is one of the town services that `pays for itself.` He said the town has paid $1 million into the $6 million bond for the course, but once that bond is retired in 15 or so years, he expects the course to generate a `substantial` amount of revenue for the town.
Runion commended the course’s crew for getting it ready and keeping it working.
`We’ve got a great crew that keeps things moving,` Runion said. `The nicer the weather, the drier it will be.`
Herb Moreland, Guilderland’s golf pro, said the greens are `rolling nice.` He added that the course usually opens on a Friday to get the kinks out for the heavier weekend traffic.
Moore added that the town will be mailing its 2009 summer recreation brochure, with lists and schedules of the more than 100 summer camps available in the town.
Registration begins Wednesday, April 1, by mail, in person or online.
The Parks and Recreation Office is located at 181 Route 146, and is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To register online, registrants can go to www.guilderlandrec.com.
The Tawasentha Summer Adventure Day Camp begins Monday, June 29, and runs for three, two-week sessions until Aug. 7. Hours are 8 to 11:45 a.m.
Moore said the town offers golf programs, rocketry and swimming.
For information, call 456-3150.“