The highly debated Glass Works Village is finally ready to proceed with a provision mandating senior housing in the development, according to a resolution passed by the Guilderland Town Board at its Tuesday, Nov. 18, meeting.
The Town Board passed a resolution to rezone the property located behind the library to a Planned Unit Development, allowing Glass Works Village to proceed with plans to develop the land with residential and commercial buildings.
The village will include 1,400 parking spaces, 310 residential units and 195,000 square feet dedicated to retail and non-retail professional developments.
As the development stands now, a two-lane road behind Guilderland library connects it to the village, however the road cannot be built for at least two years. During that time, other solutions, such as improving Mercy Care Lane can be explored as alternatives.
It passed 4-to-1, with Councilman Warren Redlich the sole dissenter.