Incumbent Sen. Neil D. Breslin is facing off against challenger Charlie Voelker for the 46th Senate District.
The 46th District includes much of Albany County.
The two already faced off in the Democratic primary, and Breslin took the nomination with close to 75 percent of the votes. David Weiss also ran in the Democratic primary.
Incumbent: Neil D. Breslin, Democrat
Age: 66
Experience: 1996-2008, New York State Senate, 46th District
Hometown: Delmar
Residence: Delmar
Education: College, Fordham University; law school, University of Toledo
Family: Wife, Ellen [Roony] Breslin; children, Kate [Breslin] Wohl, Christine Breslin, Neil D. Breslin Jr.
What is the best way to help the state recover from the slumping economy?
As a basic premise, it is essential to focus on budget reductions, and NOT tax increases. However, it is imperative that any further reductions do not adversely impact programs that support the health and safety of any New Yorkers. Furthermore, state employee layoffs must be resisted. In fact, it has been has been shown that layoffs can be very counterproductive and eventually do not generate cost savings anywhere near the amount originally estimated.
However, in tandem with these reductions, the state should still make investments in economic development initiatives (e.g., the AMD projects) that selectively allocate state resources to projects that offer the best chance to generate jobs and tax revenues. Furthermore, the state Empire Zone Program can be reformed and tailored to better meet the needs of upstate New York while fulfilling its originally intended mission to generate employment and economic growth.
How can we protect the environment and continue `green` initiatives?
`We must pass legislation increasing wetlands protections and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in order to protect the public health, environment and the economy of New York state. Global warming will have detrimental effects on the public health and natural resources of our community, thus we must come to an agreement regarding gas emission regulations.`
What is the most important piece of legislation you want to see passed if elected?
`My top priority is establishing a universal health care system in New York state. I believe it is reprehensible that there are almost 3 million residents of our state who do not have health insurance. As we move toward universal health care I am in favor of expanding existing public health programs.`
How would you summarize your platform to date?
`Ensuring comprehensive healthcare, increasing funding for education, ensuring public protection and addressing our looming budget crisis are among the most important issues facing our community at the present time. I will continue to advocate for these issues both fiscally and legislatively.`
How has your campaign changed since the beginning of this year?
`I did not foresee the dire fiscal situation New York currently faces at the beginning of 2008. As the year progressed, it became increasingly clear that the state budget needed to be reduced to meet the decidedly negative and historical challenges facing the nation and the state.`
Challenger: Charlie Voelker
Affiliation: Democrat, Conservative Party
Age: 44
Experience: n/a
Hometown: Garden City
Residence: Delmar
Education: BA, communications, University at Albany
Family: Wife and son
What is the best way to help the state recover from the slumping economy?
`New York state has to drastically change the way it conducts its business. Cost cutting measures have to be aggressively implemented. That does not mean job cuts. It means smart business practices. Bulk purchasing for all state agencies should be centralized. Workforce co-operations, land leases and advertising opportunities can be pursued to generate immediate state revenue.`
How can we protect the environment and continue `green` initiatives?
`As stated above, these are the areas where the state government should be focusing on for their business opportunities. Clean energy, green construction and recycling will dominate the business world for decades to come. New York can be a leader in all areas. We also have to educate our children in ‘green living.’ New Yorkers have to be environmentally responsible, at home and at work or school. Reducing our carbon footprint requires everyone to participate. It cannot be left up to a few to make up for the rest. Creating environmental living standards that make recycling and fuel conservation laws, instead of suggestions will be a great start.`
What is the most important piece of legislation you want to see passed if elected?
`A bill to restructure our state education system will be very important to get passed. We spend more money per child than any other state, yet we are not at the top of the rankings. New Yorkers spend too much for the results we get. We have to change the way that we distribute state dollars to school systems and then we have to account for every dollar. The state education system would benefit from centralized purchasing and better oversight.`
How would you summarize your platform to date?
`I will work full time to reduce our taxes, protect our children, generate revenue and jobs, fix our education system, protect our environment.`
How has it changed since the beginning of this year?
`It is basically the same.`