Albany County Executive Mike Breslin released a $580 million spending proposal that adds more than $2.5 million for human services, according to information provided by his office.
Those kind of people who live on the margins those kind of people need our assistance, Breslin said.
He said those hit by job loss, health care loss and the inability to keep up with inflation have been hurt the most by the lagging economy.
`We are determined to keep up our efforts to create housing for those on the margin,` Breslin added.
Breslin said he anticipates continued increasing demands for public aid with Wall Street in its current critical state.
`The current financial crisis will affect New York more than any other state.
There is no doubt that the next state budget will include significant additional reductions. And the impact on Albany County residents and Albany County government is unavoidable,` said Breslin in a written statement. `Family assistance funding will be increased by $1.6 million and an additional $742,000 has been added for emergency assistance.`
Breslin said the spending plan is only 2.2 percent higher than in 2008 ` a number lower than the annual inflation rate ` despite increases in Medicaid, energy, health care and employee cost of living adjustments.
Information provided by his office states that the 2009 proposed budget features a real property tax hike of 4 percent. This will bring the real property tax levy to $67.9 million.
`For a taxpayer with a home valued at $150,000, this represents an increase of $13 to $26 a year, depending on municipality,` Breslin said.
He said sales tax revenues are projected to raise less than one percent over 2008 collections, and the spending plan does not include the use of surplus or reserves.
Due to `economic stresses on the state and policy changes already in place, Breslin is expecting a reduction in state aid of 3.9 percent, or $3.5 million, and he said additional cuts are expected due to the `extreme financial challenges,` the state is facing.
Breslin said he also placing an emphasis on ongoing energy conservation initiatives that include the sewer district, correctional facility and other county facilities.
According to Breslin’s office, the county is looking at a cut in the deficit for the nursing home programs. The nursing home deficit will be $4.56 million, a number that is below $10 million for the first time since 2002.
The decreased deficit is the result of funding from a `retroactive intergovernmental transfer fund,` according to the county, and that funding could further reduce the deficit in the next two years.
Breslin is proposing action to eliminate staff at the Albany County Nursing Home, as it continues to employ an operating staff that used to run two facilities. As a result of Berger Commission requirements, Albany County runs one facility now, he said.
Breslin said more than 40 position will terminate on March 31, but those positions do not provide direct care to nursing home residents.
`This was a very difficult decision. However, it is not fair to ask taxpayers to fund staff for two facilities when we are operating only one,` Breslin said.
`Since 2007, we have committed resources to develop community based long term care services in Albany County the waiting list for in-home services has been eliminated.`
Breslin is also including expanded services for the homebound elderly by more than $600,000 and an additional $300,000 for home delivered meals.
`The Albany County Housing Trust Fund will receive an additional $300,000 to support affordable housing programs and projects to assist homeowners, tenants and the homeless gain access to housing,` according to information provided by Breslin.
The executive budget is now under review by the Albany County Legislature. They plan to hold two public hearings, one on Tuesday, Oct. 28, and the other on Tuesday, Nov. 25, both at 7:15 p.m. in the Legislative Chamber Courthouse, according to George L. Infante, D,C,I,WF-Albany.
Infante said the county Legislature will get input from the department heads before issuing a recommendation to the county audit and finance committee to draft a version of the budget.
The 2009 executive budget can be viewed on the Albany County Web site at“