Those interested in the history of New York state and the Capital District will have the perfect reason to head to Mabee Farm Historic Site in Rotterdam Junction on Monday, Sept. 14, as the farm hosts its second History Fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The event brings together a number of speakers from across the state who are well-versed in a variety of historical disciplines.
We’re very happy with our lineup said Site Manager Pat Barrot. `We were able to get some tremendous speakers this year.`
Featured speakers include author Janny Venema, assistant to the state translator of historic Dutch documents, who will give a lecture titled `Beverwijck; A Dutch Village on the American Frontier.` Also, Wally Wheeler from Hartgen Archaeology Associates will give a talk on New York state vernacular architecture.
Other featured speakers include National Archives technician Tyrone Keels, Union College assistant history professor Andy Morris, Native American interpreter Dave Cornelius, and Mark Brogna, manager of the Historic Albany Foundation’s Architectural Warehouse. In addition to these speakers, several area historical experts will be in attendance to meet, greet and discuss history with fairgoers.
`They’re there to talk with the people about what they offer and their expertise` said Barrot.
In addition to the many speakers, History Fair will feature three guided historical boat tours throughout the day, taking place along the famed Erie Canal. The tours are available at 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 2 p.m. The tours cost $10 per person.
Mabee Farm is the oldest structure still standing in the Mohawk Valley. The farm dates back to the 1600s, where it was built as a fur trading post for Native Americans. The property was sold to Jan Pieterse Mabee in 1671 and transitioned into a farm, and it has been passed down through the Mabee family for 287 years. The property has served numerous purposes throughout history, becoming an inn in the early 1800s, and its grounds once included four gardens and a slave quarters.
For information, call 887-5073.“