Polling numbers show that incumbent Sen. Neil Breslin of the 46th New York State Senate district beat out opponents Chalie Voelker and David Weiss in the Democratic primary.
Preliminary figures cite Breslin with 15,796 votes, Weiss with 2,750 and Voelker with 2,310, after 100 percent of machines recorded.
I’m delighted with the numbers. It shows that I have represented the best interests of the voters of Albany, Breslin said. `I fought back two candidates who ran purely on a negative basis.`
Voelker congratulated Breslin and Weiss for running a `terrific race,` and said he is looking forward to facing off in the general election as the conservative representative.
`My platform remains unchanged. I will work to reduce your taxes by partnering with businesses and bring jobs back to the area. I will work full-time to ensure that each citizen has a safe place to live and a quality education. Finally, I will work to reduce government spending,` he said in a written statement.