The Guilderland Public Library’s long-range planning committee discussed a potential expansion to the library at a Thursday, Aug. 28, meeting.
The panel is a subcommittee of the library’s Board of Trustees. The planning committee discussed an informational brochure designed to inform the public of the library’s need to expand.
Members debated the language of the brochure, which will be released some time after Wednesday, Sept. 3. Several members said they were concerned that the brochure would present the expansion as a done deal.
`The brochure we are producing is an informational piece to let the public know about our potential expansion. The expansion is, at this point, merely a plan,` said Mark Curiale, the library’s public informational officer in an e-mail. `We’re strictly in the planning stage, and we haven’t committed to anything except studying the options.`
The library has seen significant increases in circulation, which has more than doubled since the library opened in 1992, and patronage and program attendance, which has tripled, according to the committee.
The population of Guilderland, according to the committee, has gone from 28,000 to 35,000 in that same time period.
The Guilderland Public Library’s Board of Trustees’ next meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the library’s Normanskill Room, according to information provided by the committee.