After a several-months-long investigation into allegations of harassment, director of facilities for the North Colonie Central School District Tim Bonk returned to work Monday, July 28.
Although some employees had expected it to be an uncomfortable and emotional day, many said they felt optimistic that they can move past the controversy and into the future.
According to John Weismann, a maintenance employee in the district, Bonk had met with the staff to issue a sincere apology, and, he said, it was clear to him that Bonk has been getting a lot of help in the last six months.
Weismann said Bonk apologized for `everything he did` toward employees in the district, and that, `I think his apology was sincere.`
Regarding how Bonk’s return will affect others in the district, Weismann said, `I think that a lot of positive things can come if what he’s said is true.`
Pending an investigation into complaints that he had harassed his secretary, as well as other employees in the district, Bonk was put on a leave of absence by the district earlier in the year. Spotlight Newspapers has been following the story for several weeks, and had been approached by several employees in the district with anecdotes of harassment by Bonk, including derogatory language and name-calling. At the time, few individuals working within the district would come forward and speak out against Bonk out of what they said was fear that they would lose their jobs.
Bonk was to be reinstated Monday as part of an agreement he signed with the Superintendent of Schools Randy Ehrenberg on Wednesday, June 16.
After the announcement that Bonk was to be reinstated, the July 9 Board of Education meeting was packed with members of the public and employees of the district, a few of whom voiced their concerns about Bonk’s return.
One employee who spoke was Doug Williams, a maintenance man in the district, who had described a scene where Bonk had threatened him in a parking lot. That night, Williams said, Bonk had screamed several `f-adjectives` at him.
Since then, employees of the district have been waiting for Bonk’s return and waiting to see change.
Attempts to reach Bonk for comment were unsuccessful.
When asked, on the day of Bonk’s return, about the sentiments of other employees in the district, Weismann said, `Well, I’d like to think [that] all is good in the world, and at some point in time, kind of, maybe, that leopards change their spots.`
Another key element in the saga of Bonk’s investigation and return has been CSEA Capital Region, the labor union that protects non-instructional employees.
Speaking on behalf of the CSEA, Communications Associate Therese Assalian said that union representatives had met with Patricia Nugent, the district’s human resources director, and shared concerns about Bonk’s return.
`She listened to what we had to say and included us in subsequent communications regarding details of Mr. Bonk’s return, including a staff meeting this morning that our Unit President Deborah Villa attended,` she said.
Assalian also said that the union is `optimistic,` specifically when it comes to addressing any issues or concerns that the staff may have moving forward.
Another individual in the district hoping to move forward is Ehrenberg.
`It was a smooth re-entry today, with all of the parties expressing a willingness to work together,` she said.
Ehrenberg emphasized that she was `really proud of our employees and how everyone handled the situation.`
She said that she wanted to thank everyone who has contributed in the effort to move forward.“