The Guilderland Board of Education decided on Monday, July 14, not to overturn Superintendant John McGuire’s decision to transfer social studies teachers Matt Nelligan and Ann Marie McManus to Farnsworth Middle School in a 7-2 vote.
The board released a redacted version of Dr. Michele Paludi’s investigation as well as a sexual harassment suit filed against four Social Studies department teachers. The reports edited manyof the names involved in the investigation.
None of the teachers were found individually responsible for any of the allegations.
Paludi’s investigation made several recommendation including sensitivity training, conversations to build trust within the department, and a written statment from the superintendents office restaing the commitment to maintian a harassment free environment. No transfers were recommended.
The redacted documents can be found at
I believe Dr. Paludi’s investigation and reports fairly and credibly establishes that inappropriate behavior occurred between and among adults and that there was a hostile work environment in our high school social studies deparments, board President RIchard Weisz said.
Weisz voted not to overturn the transfer.
Nelligan said legal action will follow the decision.
`We will see them in court,` Nelligan said. `We are going to take every legal step we can take to make sure our reputation is cleared.`
A formal legal fund has been set up in Nelligans name.
` I am so grateful for the overwhelming support I have received,` said Nelligan. `This fight is not over. It has just moved onto a new level, a level where facts and evidence count, and where we expect to win.`
Details on a fund for fellow teacher, Ann Marie McManus, are expected soon, according to information provided by Nelligan.
Nelligan reitterated that his transfer is a result of his critical comments of the board and the teachers union.
McManus, said her name does not even appear in the culture climate inquiry and this transfer will hurt the students the most.
`These reassignments are joined with expanding teacher training and adopting other recommendations in Dr. Paludi’s report. Not all of these changes were intended or need to be permanent,` Weisz said. “