The Niskayuna Town Board passed a resolution Tuesday, June 24, raising the residential water rate from $2.35 per 1,000 gallons to $2.50, with the commercial water rate set at $3.28. Those rates will be effective July 1 through Dec. 31.
Town Comptroller Paul Sebesta had recommended the increase because the water fund had been running a deficit since 2006.
In 2007, the deficit was exacerbated due to a decrease in production in older wells that resulted in an increase in the quantity and cost of water purchased from the City of Schenectady. That issue is expected to be resolved upon the completion of new water wells toward the end of this year.
Sebesta estimated the new rate would result in a monthly increase of less than $10 for the average Niskayuna home.
In other business, Supervisor Joe Landry officiated at the swearing in of three new Niskayuna police officers: Nicholas Pardi, Michael Sollohub and Jordan Kochan. The three Niskayuna residents will begin their service on July 16 and will attend the police academy for training.
The board also passed a resolution to hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 29, at 7 p.m. to consider establishing a 20 mph school speed limit in the vicinity of Hillside Elementary School. The speed limit would be posted on Cornelius Avenue from Shirl Lane to Hillside school and on Nicholas Avenue from Shirl Lane to Hillside school and on Plum Street from Van Antwerp Road to Hillside.
The town board is also considering two locations for a new water and sewer maintenance facility. One site would be adjacent to the town’s highway department facility on WTRY Road. The use of that site may involve a land swap between the town and the Niskayuna school district. In the swap, the town would transfer land it owns adjacent to the Town Hall to the school, and the school would transfer its land on WTRY Road to the town.
The other site being considered would be on the town landfill near the existing facility by the driving range.
In a separate discussion, Landry gave a reminder that Niskayuna Baseball Ltd. will hold a baseball clinic provided by the players of the Saratoga Phillies a New York collegiate baseball league team. The baseball clinic will be held from Monday, June 30, to Thursday, July 3, with coaches and players form the Saratoga Phillies instructing players in the Niskayuna Baseball Babe Ruth program.
The clinic will be at the Woodward Babe Ruth Field at Blatnick Park and is open to players ages 12 to 18. It will run from 9 a.m. to noon each day. Cost for the clinic is $110.`