Rumors were flying Thursday (June 12) morning of senior prank after 38 out of the South Colonie Central School District’s 80 buses were vandalized over the night.
Communications Coordinator John Noetzel said, `We don’t know that this was a senior prank. We don’t know who did it.`
Noetzel said that last night, a person, or persons, scaled the fence at the bus garage and vandalized the 38 buses by activating the fire extinguishers on each bus, causing a mess. As a result, the school day for each of the district’s nine schools were affected.
`We started with a 2-hour delay, and at about 7;30 we decided to close school all together,` said Noetzel. Now, the school will is receiving bids for an outside cleaning service to restore the buses over the weekend so that the schools can operate as planned on Monday, Noetzel said.
According to Lt. John VanAlstyne, `There are rumors that we’re hearing that this was a senior prank, but obviously we’re not treating it as a prank. There will be criminal charges pressed.`
VanAlstyne said there are currently no leads, but that the person or persons who vandalized the buses is convicted, they could face a penalty of up to one year in jail.
If you have any information regarded the vandalism of the South Colonie Central School District buses, contact the Colonie police at 783-2744.
For more on this story, check back at, or read the June 12 print edition of the Colonie Spotlight.