Two town officials, Steven Tommasone and Angelo Santabarbara, were honored Thursday, May 22, at the Capital District Chapter of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers’ annual meeting at the Watervliet Arsenal.
Supervisor Steven Tommasone was named the organization’s Citizen of the Year for his commitment to hiring only professionally licensed engineers on town projects and studies.
NYSSPE is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of ethical conduct and practice by members of the engineering profession.
Tommasone said it was a privilege to win an award from a professional organization. He said much of the work he does with the town is the combined efforts of professionals including attorneys, engineers and support staff. He said he would be accepting the award on the behalf of the entire town.
It’s really about the big picture and not about just one person, said Tommasone. `It’s a privilege to do what I do, and I don’t need any accolades.`
Tommasone said engineers have been hired to carry out certain tasks that tie in with the town’s attempt to update its comprehensive plan.
`My administration is planning Rotterdam’s future to appeal to the established traditions of our community mindful of changes in demographics and technologies in order to assist businesses to create jobs for our people, provide new sources of revenue to stabilize property taxes, and to protect and enhance our quality of life,` said Tommasone in his remarks.
He cited the town’s three exits off of Interstate 90, its industrial park, rail and power infrastructure, town parks, historical sites and the Great Flats Aquifer as Rotterdam’s greatest assets.
`The future of Rotterdam is in our hands and minds,` he told to the crowd of engineers. `Together we’ll make Rotterdam thrive.`
Santabarbara named president-elect
Rotterdam Industrial Development Authority Chairman and County Legislator Angelo Santabarbara, R-Rotterdam, was named the Capital District NYSSPE president-elect at the Tuesday meeting.
Santabarbara is a civil engineer with the Chazen Companies.
Santabarbara, said that as president he would to work to ensure local students are prepared for careers within the field of engineering.
`As an engineer, I understand the impact that the profession can have on the success of our communities,` said Santabarbara. `That’s why I will continue to reach out and help out local children, and open their eyes to the field of engineering.`
Santabarbara currently volunteers as an advisor to the engineering club at Schalmont Middle School.
For the past three years, Santabarbara has helped direct Schalmont’s Future City Competition team. In the competition, student teams create fictional cities, first on computer and then in large tabletop models.
A regional competition is held each year with almost 30 schools in participation. Last year’s model from the Schalmont team is currently on display at the Schenectady Museum.
`I hope to take the organization to the next level,` said Santabarbara. `I’d like to focus on local areas to assist in the development of more homegrown engineers.`
According to Santabarbara, the development of engineers starts in local schools and in the homes of area families.
`We want the kids in school to know about the engineering profession,` said Santabarbara, `but we also want parents to know about the role of the professional engineer in society.` “