Josephine Piracci has seen several changes and people in the 32 years she worked for the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library.
We have really evolved, said Piracci of the library.
She said the library has grown to support the constantly growing communities it serves and accommodate changing times and technologies.
`Jo has always been very dedicated to providing the best service to the community,` said Kathy Adam, assistant director for public service, who has worked with Piracci for 30 years at the library.
Although meeting the community’s expectations and keeping current were the most difficult parts of Piracci’s job, she said it is well worth it.
`It’s wonderful to see the number of people who come through the doors,` she said, speaking about the new library, completed in 2006.
Piracci said she has interacted with several people throughout her career at the library and found that to be the most rewarding aspect of the job.
`I’ve sort of grown with the library and the community it serves,` she said.
When Piracci began working as a part-time librarian in 1976, after the birth of her first child, the library was located in a small building on Cemetery Road in Halfmoon.
Although, she does not remember the exact square footage, she said space was very limited.
Piracci said when they would hold an event, such as story time, at the library, they would have to close off the reference section.
`I think the books held up the walls,` she said, joking about the old schoolhouse, which used to house the library.
The new 55,000-square-foot library, located on Moe Road, is a far cry from the library where she began.
`She has worked very, very hard especially on the new building,` Adam said.
Piracci has seen more than just the two drastically different libraries in her time.
See also saw the move to a 4,600-square-foot library on Clifton Country Road in 1980 and an expansion of the facility in 1989. The expansion nearly quadrupled the size of the original library.
Piracci said she would always remember the grand opening of the new library in December 2006. She said completion of the library put it on the map, figuratively speaking.
Having seen the growth of the library and accomplishing all the steps it took to complete the new library, Piracci said it is time to hand the reins over to someone new.
Throughout her time at the library and throughout life, Piracci has referred to the book, `A Gift From the Sea,` by Anne Marrow Lindbergh, which is a collection of short stories. Piracci said Lindbergh is thoughtful and that she can always go back to the book.
Her love of the book is clear as she purchased a paver in support of the library with the book’s title. The paver is displayed in the library’s Reading Garden.
Being a part of so much change has left Piracci pretty tired. She said she would like to relax for a bit once retired.
`It has been hectic to say the least,` Piracci said with regard to overseeing the construction of the new library and working out a budget for voters to approve.
When she is done relaxing, though, Piracci plans to travel with her husband and spend time with her family.
Piracci is also looking into volunteer opportunities to keep her busy in retirement. She said Habitat for Humanity has always intrigued her and she would like to match some of her experiences with their needs.
Piracci lived in Clifton Park for 30 years before moving to Saratoga Springs with her husband in 2005.
Piracci, who decided to retire in March, will officially vacate her post next month when a new library director is hired.