Clifton Park’s Not So Common Players will present the romantic musical They’re Playing Our Song, at Shenendehowa High School East beginning Friday, April 25.
The free performances feature talented locals, including Sev Moro, playing Vernon Gersh, and Christine Marcella, as Sonia Walsk.
`We have two phenomenal leads,` said Sally Burke, a Not So Common Players board member. `The chemistry between the two of them is really awesome.`
The remainder of the small cast is made up of Bill Depew, Drew Vangenderon and Eric Hughes who play Vernon’s alter egos, as well as Jennifer Bullington, Kristen Kvam and Pamela O’Connor, playing Sonia’s alter egos.
`The actors are all very, very talented,` said Not So Common Players board member Pat O’Donnell.
Producer Richard Lenehan, director Jennifer S. Depew, musical director Sherri Strichman and choreographer Donna Hatch organized the cast and production team ready to bring to life the story based on the real-life relationship of established composer Marvin Hamlisch and aspiring lyricist Carole Bayer Sager.
`They’re Playing Our Song` debuted in New York in 1979 with Robert Klein and Lucie Arnaz as the leads Vernon and Sonia.
`It’s just a nice, light musical,` O’Donnell said of the selection.
The story was written by Neil Simon with music by Hamlisch and lyrics by Sager.
The board chose the musical because it fit all their requirements: They knew it would appeal to their audience and was perfect for the small space where the group performs at Shenendehowa.
Performances will be held over two weekends, with evening performances beginning at 8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, and a matinee at 2 p.m., Sunday.
Dates for the performance are April 25, 26 and 27, and May 2, 3, and 4.
The Not So Common Players, a free musical theater group, was founded in 2000 by Jennifer Bullington and Yvonne Masse.
The troupe organizes three shows annually and are able to provide the shows free of charge because they are supported through funding from the Clifton Park Town Board.
Burke and O’Donnell both said the support of the Town Board is incredible and that they are thankful for their continued efforts.
The Not So Common Players will round out their eighth year of productions with the `Wizard of Oz` in July.
Auditions for `The Wizard of Oz,` will begin in May at the Clifton Park Center Center on Vischer Ferry Road.
On Monday, May 12, and Tuesday, May 13, auditions for adults 14 years and older will be from 7 to 10 p.m. Children ages 6 to 13 looking for a spot in the show may audition Saturday, May 17, from 1 to 4 p.m.
The Not So Common Players is also looking for directors for the 2009 season. Interested candidates can contact Pat O’Donnell at [email protected] or 371-6681.“