At the Thursday, April 10, meeting, the Niskayuna Town Board passed a law designed to prevent unwanted activities from spoiling the fun of Niska- Day.
Part of the meeting included a public hearing on the proposal to prohibit the sale of so-called poppers, explosive noisemakers, and devices that spray liquids, such as Silly String, from aerosol cans.
Only Bill Leader, the chairman of Niska-Day, spoke during the public hearing. He said he welcomed the law.
The board unanimously passed the resolution. The Niskayuna police will enforce it.
Niska-Day is scheduled for May 17.
The board also approved an agenda item to purchase six high-tech video cameras for police patrol cars. The board will vote on the purchase at the next regular board meeting on Tuesday, April 29.
At the Thursday meeting, Chief of Police Lewis Moskowitz described the equipment to the board.
He said the prototype unit has been in a patrol car for a few months, with excellent results. The information collected by the camera has been used to resolve complaints lodged against police officers, said Moskowitz.
When the video record of one incident was reviewed, he said, the complainant said she was very pleased with the result and noted that her recollection of the event differed from the video recording.
`She left very satisfied that we were concerned enough to review her complaint,` said Moskowitz.
Board member Diane O’Donnell echoed the chief’s praise for the equipment.
`This will make the citizens and police officers safer,` said O’Donnell.
The board also approved resolutions for hiring necessary summer employees for the parks and recreation, highway, and water and sewer departments.“