Parents can rest assured that their underage children will not be purchasing alcohol from businesses in Clifton Park, Halfmoon or Waterford.
In a December sting conducted by the New York State Police, all 25 businesses approached by buyers under 21 without identification refused to sell alcohol-containing beverages.
We cannot reduce youth access to alcohol without the continued support of local businesses and their personnel, said Judith Ekman, executive director of the Saratoga Prevention Council. `These individuals contribute to the health and safety of our young people, and model respect for the law.`
The stores were honored Wednesday, Feb. 6, during a press conference at Price Chopper No. 20 in Clifton Park. The store, one of the businesses found to be in compliance, received a certificate of appreciation and door decal naming them an `Unstung Hero` from the Saratoga Prevention Council.
Last year, Price Chopper started requiring that supervisors check IDs after cashiers to ensure that alcoholic beverages are not available to underage children. A shift supervisor at the store said this measure has helped to decrease the sale of alcohol and tobacco to minors. He said the store is stung about every six months by law enforcement, but that the company also checks store employees randomly to ensure that they are following the law.
Managers at Exit 9 Wine and Liquor Warehouse in Clifton Park, which was part of the December sting, said sting operations are common.
`It would be out of sorts to find out that the store did not comply with the law,` said Jimmy D’Auria, a manager at the store.
They train all their store employees with a video that shows a car accident caused by an underage drunk driver whose alcohol purchase is traced back to a particular store. In the video, the storeowner and employee are charged to the full extent of the law.
The managers also said they follow up with new employees, and go over the law as it relates to the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors.
`If we want to operate in the alcohol business, we have to uphold the law,` said D’Auria.
He also said that all members of a group wishing to purchase alcohol must be 21 or older to purchase the drinks.
The Saratoga Prevention Council is a nonprofit, community based organization that provides education and information on alcohol, tobacco and illegal drug prevention, as well as referral services for those dealing with issues relating to alcohol, tobacco and drugs.“