For parents like Don and Michelle Kraines, ensuring that your child is being challenged academically can sometimes be, well, a challenge. The Kraines are a part of a group called SPACE, or Scotia-Glenville Parents Advocating for Challenging Education, is holding an informational session for parents this month as a way to let parents know they can actively take part in giving their children educational opportunities.
We are what the booster club is to sports, Kraines said. `We are a group of parents who want to support our children through giving them every chance to learn and grow. We look to see how we as parents can work together with the district to improve on academic programs.`
The school district has in fact listened to the concerns of parents of academically successful students and responded with a program called OPAL, or Opportunities and Programs for Advanced Learners. OPAL is an academic enrichment program for students in kindergarten through 12th grade. The goal of OPAL is to promote self-esteem as they work on advanced material with interdisciplinary approaches to solve challenging problems or develop high-level skills. Each building in the district has its own OPAL Study team, which is composed of teachers and administrators who work to identify students who qualify for OPAL. A referral is then sent home to parents asking if they are interested in having their child in the program.
Kraines said OPAL is something that will be discussed at the SPACE meeting. She said many new parents are unaware of the specifics of programs like OPAL and that the meeting gives them an opportunity to ask questions. She said the district’s curriculum director, Joe Kavanaugh, has assisted SPACE parents.
Kavanaugh organized forums for parents last year to introduce the OPAL program.
`Offering advanced courses and challenging opportunities is very important to our district, and we want parents to know that. We want parents to know they don’t necessarily need to look outside our district if they have an academically gifted child,` said Kavanaugh.
In addition to OPAL, SPACE has worked with the board of education to create honors English programs at the middle school levels. They have also worked with OPAL teacher Maria Maynard on the Odyssey of the Mind competition, which has grown in popularity within the district. Odyssey is a worldwide problem-solving competition that mixes fun with creative `out of the box` thinking.
`Over the past several years we have seen a lot of improvements to our advanced learning programs. The board has a commitment to offer educational opportunities to all levels of learners,` said board president Margaret Smith.
SPACE will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 15, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Sacandaga Elementary School for a discussion featuring Anna Sugarman, a specialist in gifted education. Sugarman will discuss how to advocate for an optimal match between your child’s needs and the resources available in the schools. Joe Biss, a local science consultant, will be presenting an exotic animal show in the cafeteria for the children of those attending the forum with Anna Sugarman.
For information about SPACE, visit the school’s Web site at