Susan Savage, D-Niskayuna, is set to be re-appointed to a two-year term as chairwoman of the Schenectady County Legislature.
The re-appointment, which should be made official at an organizational meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 1, would mark her third term as the leader of the 15-person Legislature. Eleven members of the legislature are Democrats.
She’s a strong leader, said Legislator Vincent DiCerbo, D-Schenectady.
`And, she’s responsible for enticing Ray Gillen into coming to Schenectady County, where he has jumpstarted an economic development program.`
Gillen was director of industry development for the Empire State Development Corp. before coming to Schenectady, where he is now the commissioner for the Schenectady County Economic Development and Planning Department.
Gillen is given much of the credit for renewed interest by developers and investors in the region. During his tenure, more than $200 million has been invested in Schenectady County.
Savage said she is optimistic about what the future holds for the county.
`There’s lots of momentum building because of sweeping changes taking place in our community. The successful development and investment that is ongoing, is the result of the legislature’s well received work,` said Savage.
`I’m honored to serve as chair, and I’m looking forward to the next two years.`
DiCerbo said that Savage was unanimously chosen to lead the Democrats in a caucus that took place in mid-December.
At the Jan. 1 organizational meeting, it is also expected that DiCerbo will be appointed deputy chair. Gary Hughes, D-Schenectady, will become majority leader and Judith D’Agostino, D-Rotterdam, will be elected vice chair.
According to Legislator Bob Farley, R-Glenville, he will serve another term as minority leader. Republicans elected Farley in a recent caucus. Farley, the senior member of the Legislature, has served the county since 1993.
`I’m deeply grateful to my colleagues for electing me to serve as their Republican minority leader for the next two years,` said Farley. `I believe we have the right ideas, and that those ideas can get government to truly serve the people of this community.`
Farley said he would try to work with the majority Democrats, but that changes need to be made, especially when it comes to taxes. `We will continue to work with whoever is elected chair,` said Farley. `But, this county is in need of substantial changes. It needs to be more friendly to the taxpayer, and the current government has not been friendly.`
Two new members will officially join the Legislature on New Year’s Day: Jeffrey McDonald, D-Schenectady, who won the District 2 election in November, and Angelo Santabarbara, R-Rotterdam, who will represent District 4. McDonald replaces the seat left vacant by Edward J. Kosiur, D-Schenectady, and Santabarbara takes over for Carolina M. Lazzari, R-Duanesburg.
Both will be sworn in at the organizational meeting at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 1, on the sixth floor of the County Office Building on State Street in Schenectady.